Working For It

...So The Right Vibe's Needed

You guys already know that when it counts, and I need the right kind of awesome ambience for a solid night's work to come, I turn to Chill Music Lab who always have the right beat to keep us focused on what matters most.

Hope you enjoy their latest release wile I take a look at what's still to come after a full day already.



After some rest for a few hours, I'm going to be digging straight into the Appendices for the book and collating some of the background evidence for these too. Still not sure how much I'll be including because I want to keep these sections as simple as possible, just like with the rest of the manuscript.

Depending on how much I get done on those, I might be able to reward myself with a quick Destiny 2 session later. I really like to let myself go and enjoy these sessions, so I have to be sure to do enough work first so that I can honestly say to myself that I deserve it.

So here we go...bring on the night!

Stay awesome,