That Vibe Though 😎
This latest release by the awesome Chill Music Lab is sure to set that mood right for the work you have going on for your day/night ahead, and I know this because it's got my flow feeling right on point. Hope you enjoy it as we look at what's been happening my end...

Unity Flow
It's really about that whole 'loving what you do and it's never hard work' type thing, right? I had a great late night/early morning Unity session, got some ideas set right for the future and more confident that things will work out down the track as I get closer to realising those concepts. Hopefully I'll get to do more with Unity tonight because I'm really enjoying the entire process. Excited to see how things progress 😉
ISBN & Postage
Early in the day, I got down to business and started by setting up the necessary accounts for handling all the shipping/postage for the upcoming release of the books on this site, hoping to get that started early into January 2022 if all goes well (fingers crossed). I also sorted out the whole ISBN and barcode bundle for the books and what I need to do for those. There was time to sort out some quotes too for the printing, and set down some firmer ideas for the marketing channels. I've talked about a couple of these in the past, and so feel free to check out those posts for more info.
Overall, the day was mainly focused on getting things ready for a smooth release of the first edition.

MOOVPAD Site & Coding
Those that have been following along with recent posts will have seen the evidence I released on attempts to block progress on this site by various means. These tactics will ultimately fail, and I'm going to enjoy proving that too, soon enough. For now though, I'll just keep things close to my chest for a little while guys, cool?
Because of the current focus on the book release and knowing that I'm going to have more time for the app coding in another 6 weeks or so, I've been preparing new things for coding projects rather than spending too much time actually writing code. This will all make sense a bit later as well.
Until next time, amazing ones.
Stay awesome,