Web App Concept #1

Vibin' 😎

It's been a good day for getting creative with my work, and I've been enjoying some great music along the way. Here's another of Work Music Lab's great sets of ambient productive tunes, and it's the background I have playing right now as I update on some of the progress from the recent work session 🙂


Basic Outline Concept

To the left is a screenshot of the first basic concept that I've developed, using the moodboard posted in the last update for inspiration. I've taken tips from a few of the designs for this initial outline, where the goal was to develop a basic structure, with less focus on the actual details. The focus for me was getting to a design that could be used on all platforms.

There will of course be combinations of both vector and photographic images, and so the design above might look a little flat atm. But the idea was to reach a point where the design would vary only with sizing of different elements across different devices and platforms, helping to provide a more consistent multi-platform UX. An inset design like this one, where the main workspace is separated and inset from the overall page/screen, helps achieve that goal.

So that's one version of the basic structure... more to come and plenty of work still to be completed before a final design is ready for testing. But progress, yes?

Catch up again soon 🙂

