Updating Database Design

Goodness Vibe 😎

A full day of database work later, and things are starting to get more organised in terms of data structures, so it's time for a bit of downtime to relax.

Here's one of those awesome Chill Music Lab vibes for us to share while I catch us up real quick 🙂

Screenshot from 2022-07-30 19-21-46

Data Handling

As I've learned more about using MS Azure (still class myself as a noob but understanding things better) and the way the MOOVPAD Web App needs to interact with databases, I have been trying to streamline the data access methods through the web API. One of the most important examples is trying to reduce the number of times the app needs to make the trip to the database for new data.

This in turn means consolidating tables in some cases, and changing the way the app itself loads new data from the server through the web API. Still plenty to be done, but these improvements will make a big difference to UX down the line.

Catch up again soon 🙂

Stay awesome,

