Update: Next MOOVPAD Section

Working 😎

It's been good to get some solid progress happening with the MOOV section itself over the last couple weeks, and now it's time to take the next steps with the MOOV data. So I thought we'd take a quick look at what that might look like while we enjoy this latest awesome Chill Music Lab release 🙂


Custom Controls

Given the progress so far with the MOOV data and UI section, it's now possible to save, retrieve, display and compare MOOV sessions within that particular section of the MOOVPAD Web App. So now I can start to look at other sections of the app and how they might use this same data. Here are two examples in these design captures that I can start to develop further.

The first capture shows a previous design for the user's home screen after being logged in, and one of the sections on that page involves loading stats from previous MOOVs and assessments. And to the right is another example, where the user is viewing their uploads and things they've shared on their own profile (including completed MOOVs that they wish the share). These specific parts of these screens make suitable next steps for coding I think.

Looking forward to catching up with more progress soon 🙂

Stay awesome,

