Update: MOOV Results UI

Progress Vibes 😎

It's been a few days since we last caught up, and I've been trying to make as much progress as possible with the MOOV UI screens. And now that there's some solid results to show, I thought we'd enjoy this latest Chill Music Lab live station as we take a quick look 🙂


MOOV Interface Screens

More than 2,500 lines of code and markup later, I've managed to put together the essential foundations for the MOOV results screen shown in the large image below. As we can see, there's some basic sample data entered. The screen only shows the completed sample stages, presents the basic parameters (with an overall summary screen still coming), and basic WO calculations are also displayed for each stage.


Over the next few days, the goal will be to add the functional navigation buttons to switch between screens, forming the overall summary screen, and entering some more sample data to test the colour-coding feature for comparisons (as well as the right-side UI elements to allow the user to choose the comparison to be made.

Might take a bit more than just a few days since I have additional work happening too, but happy with the progress 🙂

Stay awesome,

