Turd-Wayne “Buzzed Lightyear” Testicle

Chapter Four:

They Didn't Script It - He F'ed

(maybe we should wait for him to form a committee or phone a friend or sumfin)


Changing Pace 😎


While I try and contain my laughter at the pathetic state of this whole "conversation" and the back-flipping from the Turdster we keep seeing so often...

Just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you guys a very happy new year ahead, and all the best to you and yours. It's easy sometimes to get caught up in bullshit hype that leads nowhere and think it's important for no reason. The truth is that your time with the ones you love and care about is far more important than internet or marketing hype.

If you are lucky enough to have people who truly love you, then what the hell are you doing worrying about hype for? If you want fun, take someone special out for dinner and enjoy new year's celebrations right. Create those memories.

Because the same hype will still be there from wastes-of-space like Turdmeister, everyday, so rest assured you won't be missing anything.

Stay awesome,