First we set the mood 😎
Hope this track helps you guys get into the moment I'm about to share with you all. I've found an example to show you, demonstrating what the true professionals in the field of 3D character animation can produce.
Check this out.
Blew my mind!
I finally downloaded my first character from the site '', which is part of Adobe. This character in the images shows the level of artistic talent and skills in preparing not only a basic sculpt of the basemesh like I did, but take everything to the very limit of what the software can really do. Here's what I see going into this type of result: (a) concept sketches to start the process; (b) the sculpting work; (c) retopology (meaning they manually added all the tiny little polygons in all those tidy loops); (d) either motion-capture or thorough video analysis of an actual person's motion.
If you look at just the level of skill required to get the character to look this way, it's impressive enough (just think of all those perfectly aligned polygons people!). But if you then see how the rig (bottom two pictures) is animated with such attention to minuscule movements (even the pinky finger and arches of the feet)... I have two reactions.
The first is quite obviously admiration for the artist(s) involved.
And the second, because of my competitive nature in everything, is determination to get this good one day.
I'm always competitive (not just in sport but in work too), and always willing to put in the effort and practice. But I won't lie to you guys, this is going to be a real challenge.
Not only because of everything else I have to try and get through, but the level of skills needed to reach this level of artistic expression in animated characters is just so... so...  gob-smackingly impressive!!!
If you want to check out this or other examples, I highly recommend taking a look. Especially if you happen to work in the field, looking to get into it professionally, or (like me) just interested in it for your own learning as a creative outlet.
Stay awesome,