So Grateful 🙏

Numbers don't matter. You do.

I am showing you this graph to the right only to explain a small part of the reason why I am so grateful. Do you see that low point in the graph, the one that looks like it's almost zero? That low point was on the one day that I didn't post in the blog (check the date, last Tuesday), and it was still higher than most single posts on IG for the past 3 years! In fact, the site views are growing well and over the last 3 weeks since re-activating this blog, there have been many hundreds of you visiting each week and each day. Of course these don't break any real records yet. But the important thing here is not the number. It's your time, support and your consideration.

People have often criticised the time I spent on socials explaining and sharing the truths about all the rumours. Maybe, just maybe, there was a point to it 😉 Huge thanks, and I'll keep trying my best to be worthy of your support and confidence.

Stay awesome,

