so far up there… turbulence up in it

redefining "strap yo'self in, it's gonna get bumpy"

When the DJ is elevated through his very center, by the art-form of his craft and the emotions it extends throughout his being...

Well you basically get something like this awesome mix produced by 'the man from del monte'

Please to enjoy... on our special day of celebrating truly gifted DJ's and the art and sounds they consistently deliver with such incredible oomf 🙂


"Oh no he di'-ent" 😈

Bruh... seriously... yep... just look at it... the sheer power of it must be... awe inspiring 🤣

Realistically, I just followed the examples set down by the talented tutor and created the template Edit data feature. The captures show an initial 'entry' made, then an edit being done to the data 'on the fly' to get it juuuuuuuust right.


I mean, you know there's more, yeah?

Must be. Look at it.

I. Did. Thing.

A Something 😉

Stay awesome,

