Chill Brainwaves 😎
Folks, I hope you guys are ready for a fun one tonight, and this new release by Chill Music Lab is just the ticket for what we have going on this evening.
Enjoy the vibe and our creative playtime...
Judo Even 😉
You'll notice a change in tactics over the last couple of days, shown in the images to the left, representing the very best free promotion that no amount of money could never buy.
In the past 48 hours or so, the DDoS attacks have gone from 2-3 per night, to now being 5-8 per night. That's the kind of level usually reserved for much larger and more profitable sites in the retail sector or perhaps social media platforms. Not a site that 'they' keep telling everyone is meaningless and of no real value, right?
If 'they' feel the need to exert this much effort towards stopping the site, when compared to much larger platforms, and at such an early stage in the project's development, we have to ask ourselves some interesting questions:
- Why go to the trouble if the site has no value? Does this mean that this site, the PAPE science and the MOOVPAD projects are actually much more valuable than just the pure page view numbers?
- Wouldn't they have been better off waiting to see, instead of preemptively trying to stop it?
- What is it exactly that they REALLY want to stop?
I Didn't Forget The Geek-a-thon
To the right is a link to another novel piece of the puzzle revealed by the NICER research study, which we'll look at a bit later this week.
I just thought you'd rather have some fun, and start to see the same picture that I've been seeing for a very long time but couldn't prove until now 😀
Stay awesome,