Site Update – 21.10.08

Vibe Vibe 😎

That day of the week peeps, and the time has come for me to be... me 🙂

Hope you all enjoy this great EDM track for an energetic night ahead, and let's check out the fun.

My Turn To Speak

Over the last few weeks, a lot of people have had opinions about me and my work. For those with positive things to say, and those who've shown understanding as I stayed quiet, you're appreciated. I also appreciate all the people visiting the site each day. As you can see to the right, there are still several thousand people and visits each week, and I thank you all for your time and support. Although I didn't provide an update last week, I deliberately chose to make the graph show a weekly view so that you can see last week and this week more clearly. On average, not much has changed in terms of views.

Screenshot 2021-10-08 at 21-27-09 Pro Sites
Screenshot 2021-10-08 at 21-28-02 Limit Login Attempts ‹ moovpad — WordPress

The slight reduction in the baselines is probably because I allowed all the people with negative things to say a long window without my response. That too was deliberate. So that when I showed you these results, I could also make these statements:

I am not seeking permission.

Your approval is not necessary.

My silence is over, and now I'm me again 😉

Also for the purposes of full disclosure, I am showing you the number of background hacking attempts to the site. As you can see, there was nothing remarkable during the week worth mentioning. Overall, very little changed during my silence. I was just able to chill for a while. Try it some time.

Might be good for you 🙂

Screenshot 2021-10-08 at 21-27-45 Limit Login Attempts ‹ moovpad — WordPress

Ongoing Progress

The two things I didn't allow to change during the last couple of weeks were the vibes (with many thanks to the great teams of people producing awesome music for everyone to chill and hype to), and the progress across all the different areas of my work. Be sure to check out some of the renders completed over the last couple of months. There have been so many that I can only really show a few at a time in each post (some examples above).

And now, back to it.

Stay awesome,