Special Vibes 😎
Please enjoy this great stream that started a little while ago but should be just what you need for your study/work/creative process. Here we go.
I was going to wait until later in the week to share some great news with you guys, but what the hell... you deserve an early thank you. Why? Glad you asked 🙂
New Milestone
Yesterday I got the data for the site in the morning as usual, and it showed that on Monday, there were 1,197 visits to the site! And after being active less than 2 months! Although we had come close to reaching the 1000 in a day before, and have been growing steadily overall, it was a very nice surprise for me, and very humbling.
And so as always, I just wanted to thank you all sincerely. Your support is genuinely appreciated always, and I promise to keep trying to bring you the best content and ideas that I can.
MOOVPAD will grow with you, and for you, so it's both important for the project and me personally to know that I am able to reach you. Your time and visits are appreciated.
New Resource Section Coming
Given the growth that we've been getting, and all the inspiration I personally get from your support, as well as the increased number and variety of projects that I have going on, I have decided that it's time for me to start compiling content for a new section. I will be putting together the Projects resource section specifically covering the range of tasks, learnings and ideas from all of these different things. Just my way of showing my appreciation, and hope that it helps make your journey with me a little easier as we build MOOVPAD.
And with that, I'll leave you guys for the night with best wishes for whatever you have happening until we catch up again.
Keep chill, and stay awesome!