Simulating Light Through Water

Soothing Mellow 😎

Hopefully this post finds you getting through the day with great gusto :D.

I've been experimenting with lighting in Blender for the last hour or so, and wanted to share a new technique I've learned. Please enjoy this vibe as I explain the result and how to achieve it yourself.


The Concept

This was an experiment to try and simulate light passing through water and illuminating something beneath the surface (in this case, a simple tunnel object on the bottom surface). Setting up the scene was a straightforward process involving a scaled plane and the tunnel object itself, as the starting meshes. A spotlight was then created and modified using the nodes described next.

Screenshot from 2021-09-30 07-23-15

Lighting Nodes

Screenshot from 2021-09-30 07-23-33

The rendering engine must be set to cycles in order to activate lighting nodes as an option. The actual nodes used include:

  1. Texture Coordinate
  2. Noise texture
  3. MixRGB (x3)
  4. Voronoi Texture
  5. ColorRamp (x3)
  6. Emission
  7. Light Output


The water effect can be animated by changing the "W" setting in the Voronoi Texture node. Of course depending on the area to be covered, and whether the lighting effect is to be internal to a structure or external to it, will dictate how many spotlights need to be duplicated and their overall placement and strength. If you need any more details, just let me know.

Stay awesome,


Screenshot from 2021-09-30 08-16-11