Setting Up For Focus

Chill Chill 😎

It's been a really busy few days but there has been some time to mellow too. The only real issue was time to focus on MOOVPAD projects the way I'd like. So let's take a quick look at the next planned focus period as we chill with this awesome stream from Chilling All Day 🙂


Thursday - Saturday Focus

I'm going to have 3-4 days to really focus and get a lot of work done on all the different MOOVPAD elements. The main goals will be the Kickstarter campaign as well as the v2.0 website. I already have some solid plans for the individual tasks and was able to spend some time recently just planning the goals for this period ahead.

The last five days and tomorrow too, have been a very busy block of work on more than one front. Hopefully once this is done, I can really progress with MOOVPAD tasks.

Also planning some time for fun too.

Maybe even a live gig (few good ones coming up this weekend).

Let's make it a goal to spend some time getting things done but also having a great time along the way 🙂

Catch up again soon.

Stay awesome,

