Scientific Framework Extension

Energised Break 😎

Over the next couple weeks, I'm going to be trying to share more and take the opportunity to remind us all of some of the amazing talent out there when it comes to music production. And 'the man from del monte', with this latest drop from just a few hours ago, has to be one of those I mention in this line-up of awesome producers, while I take a quick look at some of the work to come 🙂


Writing Stuff

Part of the writing hours over the next two weeks will be dedicated to:

  • New framework patent
  • Including these new extensions in publishing material
  • Developing the foundation for the next framework stage

So we're talking about the books and courses, writing for the patent to be filed a little later this year (sorted but needs the content added the right way), and a new project idea to come later on, maybe next year 😉

Stay awesome,

