Smarties Vibe 😎
Hopefully all is well with you guys, and that this great vibe from Music Lab encourages you to get more work/study done tonight with the right chill.
Let's see about that serious stuff for a bit though, real quick like, yeah? Like ripping off a bandaid 😉
What's the Fuss?
Well, there are lots of different serious aspects behind the fuss to do with myself personally, MOOVPAD, the PAPE Framework, and the NICER project. I'm not going to focus a lot of time and energy towards the factors to do with myself. I will instead just refer to earlier posts mainly, when and/or if the need arises, as they're pretty self explanatory. The primary focus of discussions relating to the science will focus on the meaningful aspects of the work.
As always, I'll try and keep the jargon to a minimum. However some concepts really need a little geek-speak (apologies in advance for that).
The Overview
For those in the field and just want to get started with the reading ahead of time to understand why the MOOVPAD project started, and how it may apply to both clinical and fitness contexts, here's a link (right) that will direct you to the full NICER research thesis and summaries on this site. For the rest of us though...
Future Discussion
My goal is to breakdown all the various topics involved with MOOVPAD and the science behind it into digestable chunklets, aiming to simplify it all as we go along. Now don't stress, I know it might sound like too much geekiness, but I'll do my best to stick to the ABC's of it. Promise 🤞
We'll start together with just a little bit later this week, and introduce a little more each time. Cool?
Stay awesome,