R&R Vibe 😎
Another productive day in several different ways, and I think it's time to prepare for a full week of work in the morning.
Hopefully this Chill Music Lab track finds you guys well and getting things done too.
Framework Extensions
Took some time today and thought about the next round of extensions to the framework of algorithms at the core of the MOOVPAD project being developed. There have already been a few of these and I'm pretty certain there will be a few more to come over the next 12-36 months or so. The apps don't need all of these at the beginning though, which is good.
So now I get to enjoy some downtime and just relax for a while, may be with some music or a few rounds of gaming to help take the mind off everything else.
Enjoy your day/night ahead guys.
Stay awesome,
Future Disclaimer: At The Drop Of A Hat - Bare Back Neked ☠️
For those who might get in the way:
All the info is ready, links prep-ed, mind made up.
Test me at any point moving forward and I'll make sure I handle things out here in public, ride you bare back neked into history, and never let go.
All I need to add is a personal statement... and I already know what I'd like to say.