Quick Learning Session

Gratitude... Always 😎

Another awesome release just dropped by Omer Gigi and I have it playing while I share some of the latest learning to finish off my work for the day and commence the chill.

Let's enjoy this new mix while I catch us up real quick 🙂

Screenshot from 2022-06-25 21-16-01

MS Azure Learnings

On the left is the snapshot of where I've left off tonight's Azure learnings, with five new modules completed covering more of the basics of the cloud platform and different services and features, as well as some of the management tools like the dashboard, PowerShell and CLI, and A.R.M. scripting.

And yeah, I know... I see it too... no worries...

I might continue either after a decent chill break tonight or leave it until another time and skip a couple of levels at once 🙂

Have an awesome day/night and catch up next time.

Stay awesome,

