Online marketing – Overcoming Pitfalls

Focused Thinking Vibe 😎

Hope you guys enjoy this great station from Music Lab as we check out some info about online marketing and advertising, focusing on some strategies to minimise click fraud that could run your promotional efforts through Google Ads into the ground. I provide these resources based on my own previous experience with Facebook promotions.

Click Fraud

So that people don't think I'm speaking out of spite, or simply don't know what I'm talking about, I thought it might be best if I referred to an article from professionals in the field of online marketing, which looks at the potential risks of click fraud and ways to fight it:

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Google Ads

Google offers an online marketing and advertising service where they will place your advertisement on sites and in search results of relevance, and in specific locations matching your target audience. This was previously called Ad Words. The idea is similar to promotions on social media, but more powerful since the ads are not tied to any individual platform or site. And with a social platform like Facebook, you can't really question their 'almighty' algorithm 😉

Click Fraud Protection Services

A very quick search online revealed a couple of services that may help protect and monitor Google Ads, potentially minimising exposure to click fraud. And so in addition to all the great tips in the article from Online Marketing Gurus above, services like these may also be an option.

Note: As always, I provide this material without any direct relationship with any of the sources and no monetary gains from your decision to read the sources or not. They are provided purely as examples.

Stay awesome,


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