All Day Vibe 😎
After a full day of sideline tasks, as well as planning for even more things happening tomorrow and over the three day break Friday through Sunday, I've settled into my coding for the night with one session already completed and another about to start. Here's one of Chill Music Lab's awesome vibes for us to enjoy while I catch us up real quick 🙂

Handling Constraints
To the left is an example of one scenario where I've needed to use constraints in order to get the outcomes needed. In this particular [modified] example, the scenario involves a constraint where there's a limit of 10 MOOVS that are allowed to be saved to the database in the online-only version. So the whole thing is contained in a FOR loop. Within this are IF statements that refer to booleans indicating whether a value has been written or not. To those who are more familiar with programming than me, this sort of thing is so basic that it probably doesn't warrant highlighting. For me though, it was good to develop an approach I could use in this and other similar scenarios. Hopefully it's useful to some of you too.
For the second nighttime MOOVPAD work session, I'm going to turn my attention to the ongoing development of the scientific framework. I'll also be trying to decide how to best go about linking with industry again over the next 3-6 months (more on that as it develops).
Catch up again soon hopefully 🙂
Stay awesome,