Night Work Session

Whole Other Plane 😎

After a really long day of work that started pretty early in the morning, it's time to take a break before getting back into it for another work period. So let's enjoy this awesome Paul Guy mix from the U:Fourier UK channel as we take a look at the work that I'll be handling on my end a little later tonight 🙂


MS SQL & VS Focus

Although I'm planning on doing a bit more on the courses tonight as well, my main focus will be trying to make more progress on the MOOVPAD v2.0 website. Last night, I tried one last time to make some amendments to the authentication from .NET5 approaches to suit .NET6 Entity Framework without the resources and guides but these didn't work too well.

Instead, I'm going to be focusing on using the SQL classes already adapted from earlier code (refer above) as a temporary solution for testing, while building up some of the initial web forms needed for the UI.

Catch up with you guys soon 🙂

Stay awesome,

