That Kind of Vision 😎
Hey ummm, psst... It's Wednesday. Ikr?
So we celebrate like... it's every other day 🙂
Hope this awesome chill remix from E-lement of 'Always On My Mind' sets your day/night off right.
Final Blockout Design Concept
This is the final blockout of the cuttings greenhouse before I start to do some actual framework and proper fit-out designs in a CAD software. Walkways and internal work benches have been added, needing everything slightly enlarged. Of course it's easy to enlarge a design but harder to enlarge the real life version. But a goal this important means I'm on it 😉
It was a lot of fun getting some ideas down in this design and sharing some of the things I've learned along the way that might help you too start seeing options for the future. For now though, I'll go back to my main coding, writing, and so on.
Here we go...
Stay awesome,