New Render: Building Space Camp #1

Vibes Real 😎

I always try to bring you guys some of the latest tracks that I find each day/night that seem to gel with my important ongoing work and projects while also giving you the opportunities to experience new things. Here's the latest from Yung Bleu.

You're welcome 🙂

Screenshot from 2021-12-18 13-57-28
Screenshot from 2021-12-18 13-52-06

Space Colony Concept

Anyone who has known me for even a little while knows that I love the whole concept of Space. This project is about me trying to improve my 3D skills enough to be able to deliver a result worthy of the creative vision I have. My skills just aren't there yet, but they seem to be improving gradually. Run. Run far. Run now. Otherwise... 😈


The other major part of the overall picture for current work is of course the coding work on the MOOVPAD apps, and that is going to form the focus of the rest of today's activities. As always, a genuine pleasure catching up with you guys.

See you soon.

Stay awesome,


Screenshot from 2021-11-28 08-40-13