New Learnings

Study Sorted 😎

Hopefully everyone is having an awesome weekend and smashing your goals on your projects, and enjoying it along the way too. Please enjoy this track from Music Lab as we take a look at some learning options and future scheduling that I have in the plans going forward.

Screenshot from 2021-11-06 20-50-08

Unity Goodness

I'll be trying Udemy for Unity courses, starting this coming week hopefully. The plan is to bring those into the commute time over the next couple of months, after which I expect my work schedule to change and possibly moving to work from home (still not decided). Either way, the goal is to maximise the time I can put towards the essential tasks.

Of course the MOOVPAD projects already being worked on are also among the main focal points time-wise, and I'm planning on the first few months into 2022 being a very busy time for these goals. So for now, I'm able to take some time to learn more about Unity and it's API.

Until next time, mega people.

Stay awesome,

