New Http Methods

Perfect Chill 😎

As usual, Chill Music Lab manage to produce just the right vibe for a night of creativity and design ahead as I start to develop some new ideas for the MOOVPAD Web App UI, and I really hope you guys enjoy this latest awesome release from them while I update us on the progress today 🙂


Relaxed Learnings Chill

To the left is a capture that shows some of the learnings I have been going through for the past couple hours, including the use of the Http methods for handling data in WASM apps, which are completely new to me and very different from the approaches I have used before. Fortunately I'm a good learner... well sometimes... yes I know I'm thick all the time, but sometimes I learn stuff too 😜

For the rest of the night, I'm going to be focused on designing some new custom controls for use in the UI, specifically looking at ways to present the training results in a user friendly way so that app users better understand the information 🙂

Stay awesome,

