New Custom Controls

Always New Ideas 😎

It's always exciting for me when I'm working on a new project or even a new part of a current project. The ideas for new concepts never stop flowing and it feels like the scope for improvement is limitless. I hope you guys enjoy this latest awesome KushSessions release while we take a quick look at some of the new ideas I have for the user's homepage 🙂


UI Development

In the last post, I mentioned that the layout of the original design had been changed to make the user's stats the main focus of the screen. This meant a trade-off between the feed section with updates. And this got me thinking about making the whole screen more flexible, so that users could choose what they wanted to be seen on their screen and how in-depth they wanted to view the relevant information/data.


For the next week or so, I'm hoping to focus on developing some new custom controls (like the box scrollviews and dropdownlists shown to the right), as well as some settings that can be downloaded for each user to customise their interface the way they want to set it up. This will give users the flexibility they want, and allow me to display more information and (potentially ) some whole new features into the MOOVPAD Web App... I have a new idea for group interactions 😉

Catch up again when I have some news, and hope you have an amazing weekend 🙂

Stay awesome,

