New Animation – Reacts to Music

Building the Background

The process began with creating a sphere mesh and applying a Cell Fracture modifier with appropriate settings (including two recursions).

This generated the initial field of broken pieces which were then spread out but kept within a limited area.

Screenshot from 2021-10-02 11-57-17
Screenshot from 2021-10-02 12-04-41

Duplicating and Extending

The continuous effect of pieces flowing towards the camera was achieved by duplicating the field of pieces five times and laying these out in a line ahead of the camera.

As the image (left) shows, the result is a field of view that appears completely saturated with the pieces.

Adding the Camera Animation

Although it appears as though the camera is constantly moving forward, there is a trick that is used to minimise the file size. The camera is set to move forward through a single field, and the animation is then looped for the rest of the timeline.

Screenshot from 2021-10-02 12-44-19
Screenshot from 2021-10-02 13-23-26

Video & Graph Editors

The graph editor was used to loop the animation as described above, while the video editor was used to both insert the audio track and then link the central icosphere (with it's own set of modifiers) to the audio. I should also point out that this animation rendered much faster than any of the previous ones because the render engine used this time was Evee, unlike the very time-consuming Cycles render engine used previously.

Hope you guys enjoy the end result.

Stay awesome,