MS SQL & Coding Night

Work Chill 😎

Guys... it's Friday... like, the hell am I doing working on a Friday night? Suppose I asked for it with the goals I've set for the project. But at least I know I can count on all the amazing artists and producers who keep making great music for us all to be sharing and enjoying, like this latest release by the awesome Work Music Lab. They just... get it 🙂


SQL & UI Interop Linking

Having just completed a full work day and handled a few different things along the way, I'm going to give myself some downtime to just mellow out a bit before starting back on the coding with a focus on SQL progress and getting the UI Interop objects from the class library working the way they need to. Most of the data objects used in the project have actually been in use by some of my other projects for a long while.

And some of these objects were posted to GitHub around a year ago I think. In case anyone needs to see the approach I'm using in general, the link to the CodeMixTape (yes, even named that using a music term) and other small repositories can be found here:

Keep in mind that I haven't uploaded a lot of work to GitHub because I'm not trying to become a programmer nor is the MOOVPAD project intended to be open source. That latter point is more about trying to avoid future security risks as much as possible (although I know in advance I can only keep things protected in this way for so long before I'll need to change the code again to keep up with it all).

In any case, that's the plan for tonight and tomorrow, and maybe even a third day on Sunday 🙂

Hope to catch up again soon.

Stay awesome,

