Morning Prep Session

Early Morning Start 😎

It's been a great start to the day for me, with one coding session already completed and time a for a quick break before enjoying this awesome latest release from Work Music Lab for my next bit of work.

Enjoy while I catch us up real quick 🙂


Class Library Update

The first part of the day was spent getting some of the details sorted for the data-handling classes I mentioned yesterday. The issue isn't getting the functions written and working well together, but rather making sure that the individual classes are themselves optimised for best performance before linking them together in the workflow.

As an example, I have a few objects that perform a similar function in terms of retrieving data from the database. The only real differences are where the data comes from and the type of output they return. In cases like these, the bulk of the code can be made universal, with conditional loops made to feed in the data and output the desired results.

More on that a little later 🙂

Stay awesome,

