Working 😎
Hope everyone is having a great start to their day and getting plenty of progress happening with their tasks and goals. To start the morning right, I've just found the latest release from Omer Gigi and listening to it right now as I catch us up real quick. Enjoy the music while we take a look 🙂
UI Interop Layer
With some good progress made yesterday on correcting the errors on the interface displaying incorrect data, I'm now going to focus on getting the next step working - the addition of more physiologic assessment calculations and adding more of the data to the table already on the UI. Later, I'll also be putting options to have partial views so that users aren't overwhelmed with too much data all at once.
So now that the plan and goals are in place, I can get to work and focus for the next few hours, hoping to catch up again later in the afternoon in between some sideline work 🙂
Stay awesome,