...But How? 😎
Hopefully everyone is progressing with their day/night so far and having plenty of fun with creative ideas for their work and projects, and ready to enjoy some more creative chill.
This very cool 'Mellow Vibes' mix is just right for that. Kick back, relax and let's take a look-see 🙂

Bart Simpson Style
That means that I plan on... being a bit flexible with design rules... which is super easy for me since I've never worked as a professional designer, so I have no issues there really. We've looked at a few designs over recent weeks for the MOOPVAD user inteferace elements already in the pipeline. So tonight I'm going to continue working on these some more.

The three designs shown here are among the 5 big ones more recently worked on, although there have been and will continue to be plenty more to come. I'm planning on progressing these creative ideas gradually over time as I work on the coding and the other projects I have happening 😉
Stay awesome,