It's All In The Vibe 😎
Once again, I am able to bring you all another great example of professionals doing things right and having a great time promoting positivity out into the ether for us all to enjoy. Unfortunately on this occasion, after the video was shared, the producer of the music decided to pull the video, and I have removed the link and will not be sharing any more from that channel out of respect for the owner(s) 🙂
Web App Coding
Having just finished a full day of sideline work, I'm going to get right into some coding on the UI for the MOOVPAD web app, with the aim of completing more of the codebehind in the UI Interop layer (I outlined the layers of the apps previously). This work is progressing better than I expected thanks to both the official MS online learnings and some key professionals that I've had the really good fortune to be able to reach out to.
The other major factor helping to speed up the coding on the web app is that I am not exactly new to the whole coding thing, even though it's by no means my main skill-set.
Live and learn, yes?
Catch up soon, and stay awesome,