Morning Energy 😎
It seems there's a recurring theme to today's learnings and work, as we'll see in a bit. And it kind of follows the same way as this awesome mix from Liquicity in the sense that I can't wait for the team to produce their Yearmix 2022, so I thought I'd re-share this 2021 production in the meantime while we see how there are still other things to be developed elsewhere 🙂

Policy Framework
The very first basic policies I published in relation to the MOOVPAD apps were those covering the use of data and it's collection, which can be found on GitHub through this link:
While going through the tutorial I highlighted in the earlier share today, I realised that I would still need to manually add and amend a Startup.cs class to the project because there are currently no available, reliable resource from MS themselves that cover authentication in .NET6 Razor pages. The latest tutorial notes from MS on Razor Pages was added 5 days ago:

As far as I can tell, those notes don't actually cover the latest best-practices on authentication as yet (since this is the first part of the intended series). But I'm fairly certain they'll be adding this content eventually and specifically covering the updated .NET6 framework and differences when compared to the last version. So I really have no choice, if I want to apply the very best practices and latest approaches, than to wait for official documentation to be updated and released. In the meantime, I'm going to continue with the rest of the coding.
Data & Security Guarantee
It would be a lie to say that anyone on the planet could 100% guarantee that their services online were completely secure at all times and on every level. That's because the systems used to build these products and services are themselves flawed and/or constantly evolving as new security threats and data breaches are discovered.
However I can make one guarantee:
At no point will I allow myself to skip any steps when it comes to finding the best, latest and most secure approaches to protecting MOOVPAD users. Those that have shown support to MOOVPAD and myself deserve nothing less than my absolute best, and I plan to deliver on this guarantee.
Hope we're all constantly learning, developing and growing our visions with positive mindsets moving forward 🙂
Catch up soon.
Stay awesome,