MOOVPAD Website v2.0 – Latest Quick Snapshot

The Right Sounds To Start 😎

So after a short work session, the first batch of amendments have been made and everything is going along pretty well, and I thought I'd take this opportunity to give everyone a quick overview of some of the key components that make up the MOOVPAD apps. That means we need the awesome sounds produced by Work Music Lab and their latest release 🙂


SQL Data Classes

The capture shows a few of the basic data handling objects including the base class which is inherited by all other SQL classes. Also shown are the general Verification, Fetch and Write classes that have been amended to now use the new declarative statements inline with Entity Framework (it was actually not that big a change, just a few tweaks).

Testing The New Approaches

Razor pages in .NET6 apply Entity Framework for things like property binding between codebehind and HTML UI pages, so I still need to get used to that and try it out on a few examples. The first one I'm going to be starting with is a simplified login mock-up, aiming to trial data persistence. That will be next.



The capture to the left shows a few of the PAPE framework objects that take the algorithms from the research and patents, and apply those in code form within the apps. These are not complicated by any means and don't rely on any kind of AI themselves, just basic mathematical operations. In the future, these will feed into some analytical objects.

That was a quick tour of some of the MOOVPAD core being developed behind the scenes. And with those little snapshots of my first work session and the next few hours of work for the day, I'm going to leave you to what you're doing and catch up again later 🙂

Stay awesome,

