Peaceful Even 😎
A time and a place for all things, except peace which is always welcome, and everywhere, yes? This cool mellow from ChilloutDeer called 'Going Home' gives me that sense of peace, a feeling of what home is supposed to be, and it's a cool backdrop to the night's progress so far. Let's see 🙂
Few Tricks Here & There
For the last couple of hours, I've been thinking about the kinds of things that the UI needs to handle in order to deliver the best UX possible. This means finding the right balance with things like load times versus trips back to the server, for example. There's also issues around responsive designs to be considered. So I've been gathering examples of different approaches used out there (left capture).
At this stage, the UI being developed is really more about the testing phase. But it's important to be thinking about these longer term things as well so that they're ready to go when needed. The main focus of the MOOVPAD development happening right now is of course achieving what I set out to, right from the beginning. A class library composed of multiple, discrete layers that together provide an interface that simply needs to be merged with an appropriate UI to then deliver the best UX on each platform and device.
Sounds really boring, I know. But... progress 🙂
Catch up again soon.
Stay awesome,