MOOVPAD Web App – Latest Update

This... Is Hard 😎

I share great artists and their works with you guys all the time, and with almost every post. The only times I choose not to share the work of another professional from their respective field... it's only when I choose to speak for myself and wouldn't want anybody else associated with my statements without their express permission. More on that a little later.

For now, please enjoy the work of Hardwell, another awesome artist I just discovered and whose tracks seem to... connect 🙂


More MOOVPAD Progress

Here are the latest additions to the MOOVPAD Web App UI, although not all of the additional 400 lines of code are actually finalised yet. When adding markup and basic UI functionality, it's easier to adapt code from previously confirmed working elements already completed. And since I verify all of my code as I write it, I am confident when I bring in new pieces of code that it should (fingers crossed) just work... usually 😉

The capture above shows some more UI sub-elements added to the M-Log section of the MOOVPAD dashboard, although what you don't necessarily see is the UI code that handles events on the page (not the processing code, just events so far). So as you can see, lots of progress already made today and plenty more still to come.

Now I'd like to take this opportunity to have a short break and announce that the next post... it's going to be a little different. To all the amazing, supportive and hard working people out there... I need to ask your permission to express a much needed and perhaps long overdue sentiment on my own part.

I'm going to own the criticisms, but a little different maybe. And I only ask that you remember the real me, and that the real me would never willingly allow a misunderstanding that may be offensive to you wonderful people, if he can avoid it. That's why I'm seeking your permission to begin a new... 'element' to MOOVPAD, and until YOU decide if or when you want to own it with me, I'm going to ask that you just let it be.

Please 🙂

Stay awesome,

