MOOVPAD Web App – Latest Update

Always The Vibe 😎

Yep, I always start with an awesome vibe, and for a reason. It's because of all of humanity's talents, music is by far the richest part of the soul's brighter side. And this latest release by the the always cool 'the man from del monte' is yet another fine example of why music has always been and always will be one of the most important elements to my days 🙂


Database Structuring

To the left is an example of how I go about developing a draft database structure. The columns will likely change quite a bit during development. But this capture shows my basic approach that I mentioned in the previous post. We can see indexing tables as well as cross-referencing fields bridging the different tables in two-way linking.

With that stuff out of the way for the night, I can take some time to just chill and enjoy the latest tunes and plan for tomorrow's tasks. I might even get to make some progress with the Azure learnings.

Take care and I'll see you all next time 🙂

Stay awesome,


Screenshot from 2022-06-25 21-16-01