MOOVPAD Web App – Latest Update

Chill Chill 😎

I hope we're all enjoying our Saturday so far and planning some great fun things to go along with all the work we do. Oh, you don't have a vibe to re-energise to right now? We can't have that. Luckily 'the man from del monte' just dropped an awesome new release a short while ago for us all to enjoy while we chat for a bit about some MOOVPAD progress 🙂


Classes & SQL

Most of today's coding has been spent optimising some of the objects in the UI Interop layer so that I can make the code run more efficiently, getting ready for future development to be more effective, and being sure to make improvements here in the MOOVPAD Web App that can also be transferred over to the full-version desktop and mobile apps later on. As we can see in the capture to the left, resource usage at this stage is really coming down nicely, and most of what's there atm is really the Blazor/.NET framework supporting the app.

So after an early morning coding session helped along by a new release by Tiesto, lunch and an afternoon coding session with the latest from Work Music Lab, and a third coding session completed just in time to enjoy this latest mix from 'the man from del monte'... these artists have all made sure to consistently provide some of the very best vibes for us all so we can stay motivated and ready to keep up the progress with our work moving forward.

If you missed any of that, be sure to check it all out and those awesome tunes too, and we'll catch up again soon hopefully.

Stay awesome,

