Afternoon Prep 😎
Hopefully you guys have had a great few days with your goals and progress, and looking forward to the weekend (yes I know it's not for ages, but still...).
Here's another of those awesome Chill Music Lab vibes for us to enjoy while I share some of my progress 🙂
Web App Progress
Since the data work has been progressing well, I've been able to start on the detailed parts of the workflows already structured. And so with the user logins, for example, this means the actual coding for data retrieval through the web API and loading this into the MOOVPAD Web App for processing and generating the information on the user's initial dashboard.
This same type of detail step is required throughout the app of course, but at least now the progress involves actual data rather than just dummy flows without any details to facilitate building out the real workflows.
Lots more to come, and look forward to catching up again soon 🙂
Stay awesome,