Working 😎
It's been a really busy time for me over the last week or so, and I thought it was time to share a quick update on progress while enjoying one of Work Music Labs' latest releases.
Here goes 🙂
Gradual Progress
Although I have some design ideas already developed for the final look of the interface, the focus for me right now is getting the functionality working the way it needs to across the MOOVPAD web app. Thankfully, the work is progressing quite well, considering that programming was never intended to be a major part of my workflow.
Also had a chance to briefly discuss some broad topics in science today with a few people, and one of them made a really valid point that I thought I would share with you guys:
Regardless of what professional field you might find yourself in, if you want to develop your own project, you will likely need to learn how to code and get comfortable with the idea of building digital solutions to meet your goals. That appears to be a trend that has been growing steadily for many years, and is now well established.
So in that sense, the idea of me coding my own project is not really that strange 🙂
Stay awesome,