Chill Chill 😎

It's been good to make some progress with the basic outline designs for the MOOVPAD web app over the last day or so. I just needed a rough idea to get started... usually the case for me, in most things. Having that initial starting point and a plan of action for moving forward are very important. Hope you enjoy this awesome Work Music Lab set as we take a look 🙂


Building The Outlines

The capture on the left shows a few additions made to the basic structure I showed yesterday. Keep in mind that there will likely be continued improvements/adjustments made to this over the next few months before the first test phase. But for now, this seems to work well enough and covers all the necessary functional bases.

In this next capture on the right is a rough guide to how the 'MOOV' section on the homepage might be structured. The boxes used here would be replaced with imagery, but I used them as placeholders for now until the photography was done, just for some guidance.

Might code for a bit now 🙂

Stay awesome,

