Working 😎

Yes, it is officially Friday and within a few short hours, my weekend gets started 🙂

Hope you guys enjoy this awesome mix from Work Music Lab while I update us on the plans for tonight's MOOVPAD tasks.


Class Library Update

With another long weekend ahead, I plan on using the next three days to focus on getting as much of the UI and UI Interop layers completed as possible for the physiologic assessments across the different exercise modalities. Progress on these sections has been good so far, and I'm hoping that by the end of this weekend, I can be at least 50% through that part.

This is the largest section of the online-only MOOVPAD web app that will be uploaded for testing to MS Azure in the (hopefully) not too distant future. Fingers crossed 🙂

Looking forward to catching up again soon, and all the best with your projects and goals too.

Stay awesome,

