Afternoon Prep 😎
It's been good over the last few days to get some time to focus on current and upcoming tasks for the MOOVPAD project, and I hope you guys have been having a great time with your goals as well. Here's one of those awesome Chill Music Lab streams to help us settle into this update 🙂
More Design & Content Work
While working on the coding part of the MOOVPAD Web App has progressed quite a fair way since it started, there's also a need to continue with the design and content work for various sections of the project. And that is where I've been spending most of the time over the last couple of days. I find that it helps me to shift focus between elements of the project from time to time, to maintain that overall picture in my mind.
This is particularly important since some of the new content is going to be a little bit new to me too, in a way. But I'll tell you all more about that stuff as it develops. For now, just want to wish you well with your work and projects, and look forward to catching up again soon 🙂
Stay awesome,