MOOVPAD Update – 21.09.26

Focus Mellow 😎

Hope you guys enjoy this chill vibe as we see some of the happenings with the MOOVPAD coding and some of the considerations moving forward.

Let's go...

2D UI and UX

Today was mainly about adding the rest-corrected algorithms from the last round of PAPE extensions, and adjusting some of the code previously written into the UI layer. Overall, I'm finding anywhere from 10% to 25% of the code being moved out of these layers and into the UI Interop. This means that less code will be called up on loading the screens but remains available when specific functions require it's use.

Screenshot from 2021-09-22 23-15-04
Screenshot from 2021-09-27 03-26-34

3D UI and UX

The screenshot below shows the contents of an initial starting file in Unity that was created with the HDRP framework included (if you missed the last few posts on HDRP, feel free to check those out). As a starting point, Unity creates projects with around 1GB of content right froom the start. For most systems, this in itself isn't a major issue, but it's something to keep in mind when developing a new project.

Next Up

We move into more Unity learnings next, and the current exercise is creating a track for a ball to roll on without hitting the floor. The concept is simple but helps practice the basic tasks of adding components to GameObjects.

We'll see what I can come up with for that... maybe... if it's not too lame 😉

Stay awesome,


Screenshot from 2021-09-25 22-11-32