MOOVPAD Update – 21.09.24

Progress Mellow 😎

Yes peeps, it's been another night of good progress, and now the time has come to get creative again. Hope you enjoy this track I have playing right now as I write this brief update on the MOOVPAD project.

Here we go.

Event Handlers

When settiing up a new app, but taking code and UI elements from another draft, the only real hassle is Event Handlers. Let me explain what I mean...

When you add a button, for example, to a page/form, it is easy enough to copy the visual element from the old to the new form. In the codebehind's designer however, there are calls to the element's event handler methods. These don't get copied, meaning that if you have a lot of them, and multiple event handlers for many of them, you then also have a headache 😡

Screenshot from 2021-09-22 23-15-04

Porting and adjusting the code itself though is proving easier than expected. With the exception of changing some names and adding the occasional new declaration, that part is going pretty well.

I'm confident in the new structure and that it will make better use of the system resources. Hopefully once I get the input from specific professionals later on, they can optimise the code even further.

Next Up

Now I can sit back, relax and learn more about the Unity engine. If you've missed any of the previous related posts, I'm basically completing the Unity Essentials pathway through Unity Learn online. Last night I even made my first structure within the interface (simple building).

Stay awesome,