MOOVPAD Update – 21.09.21

"Let's Get Creative" 😈

I see you getting creative with me, and hope you enjoy this vibe to help with your night's play and chill.

So... here goes the progress 😀

Screenshot from 2021-09-18 20-35-34

Coding & Scripting

In terms of the base and majority of core objects, these have now been ported into the new structure with initial optimisations made. There will be more changes made to these objects as I go, to ensure they only run the code that is necessary for as long as necessary (so we're talking threading at different levels, for example).

Next Up

I now get to do some more creative learnings and practice in Unity, followed by som character work in Blender.

With the Unity Learn platform, the current course I'm doing is the Unity Essentials (started last night) so that I get the basic skills and knowledge right from the beginning.

Screenshot from 2021-09-21 03-07-08
Screenshot from 2021-09-21 22-02-45

To the left is the last place I left the new character's head. This time around I am giving myself a few more branch-points for the future. For example, the eye sockets here are still in very rough form, but this point allows that region to move into either a stylised or realistic path. Similarly, the nose appears elongated, but this is easily adjusted to make it shorter. For now, this current shape just makes it easy to maintain the loops around the skull (refer to earlier "3D Fun" posts on that).

See you soon guys.

Stay awesome,