Very Zen-Chill Vibe 😌
Yes, I have reached a moment of zen, having passed through the excitement of finishing another module of the code successfully and now... now I can just chiiiilllllll.
Hope you enjoy very relaxing vibes by Quiet Quest.
UI Interop Layer
To the right is a screenshot taken just a little while ago that shows the final fully customisable training program development stage, before moving on to the display and confirmation screen. Yes, the tetrissy bit. And so this part is successfully completed now (*insert wild dancing on the inside noises here). The main focus recently was on the UI Interop layer of this part of the application. Work can now progress to the next part (of many, many parts 🙂 ).

The idea of separating certain parts of the code out into a separate UI Interop layer is certainly not new in any way, and the code written up to this point was basically arranged that way to begin with. The only difference now is that these code objects have been optimised specifically to be flexible.
As the larger figure below shows, the MOOVPAD apps will all adhere to a basic schema that can be represented by the layers shown. With a few exceptions, this type of structure will be applied generally across any particular app, giving me the ability to build important functions into all layers (e.g. multi-tiered security features).

Next Up
I'm going to continue with my Unity work so that I can improve my basic skills with that interface, since it's going to be important for developing an improved UI and UX (hopefully) when compared to the traditional approaches like those used up until now. But ssshhhhh... these are for later 😉
Stay awesome,