Working 😎

With a good start to the day so far and progress made on the newest section of the MOOVPAD Web App, it's time to take a well-earned break and chill, preparing for the work later on today and into the evening. Here's one of those awesome ambient tracks from Chill Music Lab to set the mood 🙂


Custom Controls

The latest custom control I've been working on is a summary report scroller. The idea behind this particular control is to partition the results so that the user can easily choose and view only the data that matters to them. The MOOVPAD UI should be clear, simple to use and easy to understand.

Generally speaking, it seems like the UI results are progressing in the right direction for now, and by the end of the current focus block (end of next week), I should hopefully have most of the custom controls built to at least a level suitable for first-stage testing. So... progress 🙂

Stay awesome,

