MOOVPAD Projects Update

Chill Chill 😎

The busy period for me has continued for a while now, but it's almost over. One more week of long hours on sideline tasks and I can get back to making the MOOVPAD Web App the main focus again. Meanwhile the work continues, along with the awesome vibes from Chill Music Lab. Hope you enjoy both 🙂


UI & UI-Interop Layers

With all the wasted time spent on getting other things sorted, I've only been able to do some of the important tasks each day that I would normally be finishing quicker. But progress has been continuing with the MOOVPAD Web App. Right now, the UI and UI Interop layers (where all the transfer of user interactions happens with the core code layers) is the focus.

The only positive from the delays is clarity - slowing things down at the right times can sometimes help with regaining focus on the important tasks.

I also haven't forgotten the other parts of the project, and have made some progress on those too (more later).

For now, genuine best wishes, and catch up again soon 🙂

Stay awesome,

